NGS Daily jigsaw puzzles

Friday, May 8, 2009

SkyWatch blooms

See other amazing sky views @
This is an interesting photo. I have a little league baseball field located to the west of my house...and bright light from the night time games shines over the top of my house
into my backyard. The light illuminating these pink blooming crabapple trees was a very eerie scene.

This "sky view" is overlooking the many beautiful blooming peach orchards of Perry, Utah and westward to the
Great Salt Lake., Utah, USA.


  1. Gorgeous! That orchid is beautiful, but I really love the night scene. Wonderful photos!

  2. That's a colorful a blanket of lilac! I went swimming in the Great Salt Lake once...or should I say "floating"! Hi from California...

  3. Those peach trees are so pretty!

    There's no way to see all the canyons in Utah in one lifetime, is there?

  4. Love the nighttime glow on the crabapple. The peach trees in bloom are lovely, especially with the mountains in the background.

  5. Cool pictures. You do have a creative eye.

  6. Great shot really. The second one glows.

  7. love the peach orchard capture...lovely. and kudos for capturing the crab apple.
    i am so hesitant to do night time shots...think its all in my mind. remind self to work on them.
